
Iran equipment Conference in Minsk (Belarus)

2024-06-18 23:47 Новости eng
05/29/2024 the conference "New opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry with manufacturers from Iran. Technologies, application experience, development prospects" was held 2024 in Minsk (Republic of Belarus)

The conference was organized by VELENA PHARM in close cooperation with technology partner Stoik Company LLC.

The largest pharmaceutical companies in the Republic of Belarus took part in the conference:

RUE "Belmedpreparaty"


UE "Minskintrekaps"


SOAO "Ferein"

Fortiva Med LLC

SPOOO "Farmland"

Rubicon LLC

Andrey Tilitsin, CCO VELENA PHARM, and Anatoly Yevtushenko, CEO of Stoik Company LLC, addressed the participants with an introductory speech.

During the first part of the conference, technical solutions and novelties for the pharmaceutical industry from leading manufacturing companies from Iran were presented:

AROKO Bioengineering Co. - bioreactors, fermenters, filtration systems, aseptic mixing systems, systems for preparation and storage of buffer solutions, large capacities.

PARSEH FreezeDry - lyophilizers (freeze drying) for pharmaceutical, biotechnological and food industries.

PHEDCO - ultracentrifuges and centrifuges of various types.

HNB Group - air treatment and conditioning systems.

In the second part of the conference, implemented cases and experience in using equipment from Iran were presented, as well as the specifics of technical support and after-sales service were discussed during the Q&A session.

A live teleconference was organized during the conference, which allowed participants to communicate directly with representatives of manufacturing companies from Iran and discuss topics of interest in detail.

VELENA PHARM thanks the participants of the conference and expresses gratitude to RUE "Belfarmprom Holding Management Company" for their assistance in organizing the event.